The better was mine I accidentally threw it to u but it's fine its ur world I like the look of diamond anyway)
Umm.... I don't know... *she can tell he's lying*
*tp to mia* hey you called 1 no i don't die cause the corruption relocated back to me and it keeps me alive -.-
.______. ehh oh well i seen enough and whoo's *noticed shade*
Mia:ok if you dont want to tell me then*pits a spell on jack*now you have to be alex's doll for 3 days
... I went through Godhome, ok? I was just collecting some things.
oh hey jasmine how's life?/corrupted jasmine:random flower random./ehhh ok
Mia:huh..i dont believe that so your foing to be Alex's doll for 2 weeks
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