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I heard your u able to move

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Nexus... I WILL E N D Y O U.
.____________... ooooooooookay
You can try *laughs*
RRRR... *and aqua aura starts to form*
*points at Jack and a little thunderbolt would hit Jack*
*first puts spell sheild around himself* now do you want me to remove the spells
Oh ho ho no... I'M GOING TO ENJOY THIS. *the aura keeps getting stronger and brighter*
*a lil chain grabs jack* calm down jack
*another little thunderbolt would strike Jack and he would laugh a bit* This is fun
Im doing it anyway I don't give a shit anymore what your fuckin awnser is *removes curse*
*grins* You wanna know what else is fun pal? *the spell shatters and he flashes up, grabbing him by the head*
And to stop mia and friends *calls corrin*
..... *tps out of his hand and steps back*
Jack Calm down buddy *keeps stepping back*
hes good now
.________. oh shit *sense corrin*
Mia:*tps to her garden and reads a book somehow*
R E V E N G E. *magically grabs him and throws him out the window*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23