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ehm *walks out*
*dusts off his hands* Much better. *walks back toward the room he was in earlier*
*levitates when he is out of the window*
*an ! show up on Jacks and a thunderbolt would strike him*
*blocks it using ice shield
*tps to mia*
*also Tps to Mia* Jack Broke ur spell
.. what the hell is even happening
mia:so what he cant do anything
*keeps walking* I have to finish these... *goes into the room and locks the door*
No Jack can move he just magically threw me out of one of the palaces windows and walked to a room....
well your here (brb im changing this oc name)
*knocks on door* hey jack
Mia:just take hes amulet then he doesnt have magic*keeps reading*
... What? I'm busy.
taking his amulet would be impossible cause Jacks pissed at me and he would probably start a fight with me
I need to talk with you
*tp to mia* >-> uhm can i ask whats going on?
*sigh* *the door unlocks*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23