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*same* >_>___________________________________________________________>
Mia:you have magic dumb ass use it๐Ÿ˜‘
I am gonna give you a gift called the magic block
...... ur his wife you go deal with him.......
It will activate when something touches your magic
does this normally happened mia?
Mia:only if jack pisses me off
ah okay
*tps to share and pushes him to the ground the grows to 6ft*
....... how the hell are you even reading you don't have eyes......
The fuck dude
actually yea how is that possi- know you what nvm i don't wanna know
*mocks him "the fuck dudec*
... *isn't paying any attention, and is completely focused on the vials in front of him*
wraps in vines that are metallic *
Dude* wtf is wrong with me today)
Mia:its called a book for blind people nexus aka braille

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23