(Sans, behave yourself. I'm know what big sisters are capable of. They can be scary. And I don't even have one.)
(btw i change corrupted flowerwolf to wolf flowergirl so i returning flowergirl)
*walks around Snowdin town causing Chaos everywhere he walks*
And so am I Sans. Trust me. Don't tempt fate. She will fucking murder you.)
*walks into the house*hi exe/exe elizabeth:oh hi flower.... WAIT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT FLOWER I THOUGHT YOU DIED!!!??/i ain't dead i getting my memories repair so rn i don't remember much/exe elizabeth:b-b-but you were corrupting tho! to much!!/well a friend of mine fixes it but i can't remember 1 person/exe:?? who bates?/who?
Yep and He's probably looking for me and you so we better hide....
eh does not matter how did it go???/flower wolf:well she says i can rest now the corruption is gone/Nice
Mia:*sighs and puts his head in her lap and use her tail to keep jack warm and reads*hehe
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