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*it was flower but.... not corrupted anymore* my bad dude *whispers*

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!!! flower? is that... you?
(Hello, I is back. :P)
*tps to jack*
Mia is gonna be... so happy tomorrow... *stands up holding her, making sure not to wake her up* we'll see you tomorrow, k?
alright *tp to exe*
*tps to their room and puts her in bed* I'll fix the mess I made of you. I promise. *tps away*
just promise me you wont corrupt again/flower:alright/thx flower
cmon lets get some rest i gotta see how much injuries there is/flower:alright
tomorrow i gotta tell you a crazy ass story/flower:alright
Ok... It should be done. *pulls a wing in front of him and sees there is nothing on it* Alright... Time for the more painful part... *another set of wings start appearing, pushing the current pair out of his back* Ngh... *they eventually pop free, and Jack quickly dumps some liquid in them to preserve them and keep the tissues alive*
*is breathing heavily* A-alright... Now for the the eyes... *starts mixing some vials until one turns red* K. Now... The hard part... *pulls out a bag and empties the contents, who's are the shards of Mia's soul* Time to put this back together...
*stays up all night until he completes it* I... I did it...
Now... *starts using healing magic and the pieces start coming back together, the cracks dissapearing* heh... I'm lucky she is still alive, or this would have been impossible...
Mia:*is awake and cooks*
zzz v.v/flower:zzzz

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23