*In his training room* "...use my anger....huh..." *Holding his right hand out with the fist clenched* *He starts concentrating, remembering events of the past that anger him to try and utilize his anger*
Alright... I'm going to feel bad for doing this, but I need her to be sleeping for this... Otherwise, it won't work...
(alright so the next part when mia found flower this is gonna be a what if flower got a fictional disease so this part flower not gonna die i just wanna test something)
(ik but school work tho its boring with out music)
(well for you its kinda but for me its boring af)
*walks into the kitchen* Hey love... *he sounds extremely tired* After breakfast, I have a few things for you...
(they gave me 4th grade math in honers gamatry. they should of gave me spelling instead .-.)
*Small red orbs slowly start to form around his fist* (sorry, I'm trying to do something else at the same time, so I'll be a little slow for a while)
(also i saw zombie rp. 0-0. tell me the geinus who came up with it so i can shake their hand)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23