alright (.................... yea what the hell) let me see what cause the dmg *checks it out and the nest still there but stopped spreading poison showing and plants and nature powers now added and now shown* O_O uhmm (pokemonRV)
that much???/flower:yup/well the nest stopped spreading thats good
Mom's making breakfast again. Any guesses on what it is?
*The orbs start to expand and look unstable* *Del grabs his forearm with his other arm and aims it at the dummy, fist still closed. Del points a single finger in the air, his arms shaking from the constant flow of anger*
wait if the nature power is now updated then why is it showing is it suppose to be one of those fictional disease to show roots and these?/flower:... that was a price for me to get back,, to be not corrupted these have to be replace the chains of corruption with roots and..... other stuff i don't wanna mentioned /.. we are not speaking of these till they asked got it?/flower:got it
alright cmon lets get up/flower: besides i think jack need help with something so brb/alright and yes ik i sound like a mom BUT DAMN IT YOU ALMOST GOT ME SCARE AF/flower:my bad/its cool
*Del points his finger at the target. The orbs fly at it and collide, dealing destructive damage to it*
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