(and team exe and flower mia jack del now alex part wolf..... AAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOO GOD HEAT SEASON and rv i decided to pause my break after ten made that emoji crying face and im not that type of flower to leave)
(Thank God Morgan isn't here. He would not EVER SHUT UP)
(ehhhhhh okay this is gonna be fun AND CANT RV WE NOT IN UC ANYMORE HAH)
*mind:... wait a minute... if im part wolf.... oh shit heat season....*
(*gets out my Google docs* I carry it with me everywhere ill read it here

(OH GOD jack prepare for questions *yeets outie* CAN'T CATCH ME ALIVE SUCKA WHEN IM OUTIE)
*answers* yo *and flower not paying attention to bates*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23