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Mia:*sighs*fine...*grabs some pills and takes some*
*he hangs up and sweats a lot
*his eyes turn back to emotionless and cracked abit and sighs* its just me I bet..
Umm... What were those?
Mia:*passes out and falls after takeing the pills*
!! Shit! *catches her*
*tp to jack* is she okay?
I was going to use a sleeping spell... *sighs and lays her on the bed* Yeah. She's fine. You might not want to watch this...
(is ten here?
oh *look normal also pissed caused hear bates when she left*
(I just got a request m them and they want levi to be bates enemy...
i'm gonna sleep cause i got stuff to do tomorrow
*tps and comes back with the wings, two vials, and a soul in a canister* Let's get to work.
*went outside of the room and look at the view* ...
*tps to the kingdom and walks around*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23