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Forums » Roleplay » u.c rp

Oh. Meh. They're ok.
(if you want to do any others go to Richie or panda idk but the doctors Sid is made by crazymtch x3
In get what you mean now.
so where now?
(this is minecraft rp of origin z crazymtches side of the story with the doctor
Mia:we are going to the ruins of qwens old.casyle so if the boys find us we have different places to hide
K )
(in the description of the video is everyone else who's doing it xD
(so check out them instead if you want
... Welp. Time to find a way to resist this shit... I could make something... Or stay in my shade form... But then I'd just be sleeping all the time to have the required energy.
Hey mom were is dad?
(I'm gonna take a break from MC for the rest of the night. I'm too pissed off to deal with that on my own rn.)
Mia:hes at home
I'll help)
K. I'll be on later then. I just need to chill out for a minute and stop tearing my hair out.)

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