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(nah i'm the sans in the cooking part)

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(i'm Lazy as fuck Hell my mom litterally calls me a major Lazy Ass)
Mia:*her tail wags a lil opening one eyes*hm?..
*turned into dust* lets see...
*she has a new pair of eyes, exactly the same as before, but better, her vision is a lot sharper*
*a shadow star appears*
Heh... *she sees him smiling and crying* It really worked...
*walk out of shadow stars* see?
*enters Jacks Mind: L O V E BIRDS*
Mia:opens her other eye and hugs jack and her tail wags a lot*😊
*go away Nexus... Just leave us be for once, you ass*
*nah i would rather not*
hi again alex
*Hugs her back, crying even more* I finally did something right...
*eyes glowing red*
Mia:*kisses him*
Why are you talking about alexa.

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23