*cloak notice monster symbol appears behind him*
Mia:*starts tearing up and walks back a scared look on her face*
*puts his soul away and opens his arms* I'm sorry I didn't tell you, or go over it with you first. But I HAD to be able to protect you and Alex. You two are EVERYTHING to me. Without you two, I'd be lost again...
Mia:*her ears and tail go dowm and her het hair turns blue and white *
Please... I'm sorry for not going over it with you first... Can you... Could you forgive me? *looks up with tears in his eyes from her reaction*
*walk out of that symbol* heya!
yah I'm gone but not for long...
*Hugs her back* I'm sorry... I won't ever do anything like this again without running it by you first... I just couldn't afford for you to say no...
Mia:you really need to stop giveing me heart attack
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23