*waits for her to catch up, then flies alongside her* Heh. This is nice.
*spread shadow wings and fly up after mia*
*Continues to watch Del* "I needed to get his anger to consume him fully...but now he's mastering using his anger...and controlling it..."
*angel of death wings noises*
"Perhaps.....if something were to happen to a friend of his. Something...dangerous. Something...horrible."
*appears next to Axis* Heh. Don't worry with them.
"And who are you?" *Axis has his hood on, so all that can be seen are his red eyes*
He's already falling into darkness. He can't control it. I just got him to rely on it so it would grow stronger. He'll eventually submerge in his own.
I've fought him before. He couldn't even hit me.
"This job just gets easier and easier..." *slow chuckle*
There is a small chance he can actually control it. But I wouldn't count on it.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23