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*a dark corridor opens* well. I'll be leaving. I have better things to do. *walks in and it closes*

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I like to fly!
"Personally, I'd say he's right...Del holds back a great evil in his heart...but it has killed before...and it will kill again..." *Chuckles* "It's just a matter of time..."
*Continues training, having heard the entire conversation* (Thanks again, Mia, for the wolf ears XD) *Quietly* "They are right..."
"But I'll show them...I will over come the evil inside me..."
Pap, you still here?
*The orbs of anger he uses to attack start to look unstable, then explode, demolishing the training room, + it sends Del and Axis flying*
I think she fell asleep maybe.
*Slowly stands up* "Not a great start, though..." *Makes the orbs again* "Now come on...I refuse to go back to those times...I do this..." *Trains again*
*Hits a tree after getting sent a FAR distance, disappearing on impact*
yah jack
*They fly back and land on the balcony* Welp. It's getting late Azzy. We need to get some sleep. See ya tomorrow?
*fly to his castle and get some sleep*
*lays in bed and falls asleep hugging Mia*
(remaking profiles, brb

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23