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Yeah, but paperwork?

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I mean, I get that part, believe me. I was the last of my line. And I still have to take trips to other kingdoms for trade agreements, and all that.
But I didn't think that you would have paperwork...
Mia:ya pap qwen and lily help me with that part but sometimes we have to do paperwork so i help them out with it
Huh... Alright then... I guess that makes sense...
Welp. *kisses her and stands up* I guess I have some things to do too... I'll see you later, k?
*tps to the arena and starts training to get better at using his wings in combat*
(back) *Trains heavily in his training room*
*throws the spear and it destroys 50 pillars*
(Omg Jack, Nexus, And Del are training)
(Bruv. That's a first.)
(i was just saying....)
(I know. This is a first XD)
(I KNOW! And when DOESN'T Del train?)
(eh Nexus is gonna keep training for 4 weeks and get barley any sleep so by the time you see him again hes gonna be HELLA tired)
*learns a few new moves and some new techniques*
*takes out his sword and a red aura along with thunder would surround it*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23