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... *info;blood name: brown blood causes of the brown blood:not remove the clothing or clean the clothing which its the jacket* damn it i forgot to clean it
*chugs it down and Burps so loud Jack can hear it*
*checks on the nature power and it can still shown*..... fucking hell i can not believe i have to made that deal in order to return.... fucking grear
*sleeps still*
*keeps doing some of the paperwork*
*Wakes up* "I fell asleep, huh? Guess I overdid it." *stands up* "Oh well...guess I better get back to training." *proceeds to train again*
Mia:*takes some of the paperwork and works*.
*to self* ... i can't let jack,mia or alex see this if they do then oooo great i have a good info to fill them in..... *sighs heavy* *mind:but who was that person trying to talk to me in snowdin? meh.. probably not important*
*mind;GOD WHY THAT PERSON MAKE ME LOOSE A DAMN MEMORY OF A 1 PERSON!!!?! jesus christ tomorrow i gotta have a word of the person*
*goes back to training with undyne*
Mia:*finishes the paperwork and yawns again and drinks coffee *
*Completely obliterates the clones, then makes new ones, then go back to step 1*
*finishes training*
*walks back to the kingdom*
*mind:or was it 2 people..shit... i forgot...*
*goes to the kitchen and grabs a mug and a lot of coffee and tps back, drinking coffee*
*Stops training after completely destroying the clones* *Adds a tally mark to a board that says "Days without social interaction"*
Mia:finally done..
*walks around snowdin forest*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23