*sighs* *walks outside with a new jacket clean and not noticeable to the nest* *sighs* lets hope no on ask about it *mind:or hopefully not jack not noticing it cause my god there's gonna be a lot of yelling*
*finished the stack of paperwork in front of him* Jeez... How can she stand this...
*walks around the kingdom wearing a face mask and a eye patch* grr i really hate that bs i have to make a deal including corruption beasts they dig into skins and eyes *sighs* oh well.... at least i'm back
*noticed flower* hey flower whats up with a eye patch?/flower:.. found it in my room../oh trying new style i see heh/flower:yup/ah okay just asking cya/flower:cya *continues walking*
*Several cycles later* "Guess I better check on the others...." *Appears at his house in Snowdin* "Starting with Grillby." *chuckle*
*Walks to Grillby's* *Gets food from Grillby, pays him and leaves*
(let me guess rv you want someone to do a zombie rp...?)
(... rv don't full blown lie to me that "
" explain everything )

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23