Nope go to sleep its late rv you can rp in the morning! !!
(1 don't fucking ask im tired af i nearly passed out 2 if you do wish to rp i gotta let you know after flower return flower made a deal to someone so flower might not remember bates just a heads up)
(and the reason why well flower say before "CORRUPTION IS A PAIN IN THE ASS TO HER")
(Back. And yeah. RV, SLEEP. You told us to tell you, and we are. Go get some rest pal. Doing be like me and stay up all night every night)
Mia:zzz (*tackles mor from behind *REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
*is just flat out confused about what the hell was mia doing in hotlands sleeping in lava and is wearing a jacket and a eye patch*
*notices Mia* brb. *tps to her and tps her into bed, then back to the room* Sorry about that.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23