................. why do people like to tackle me in the 4th wall, in rp, and irl.........
well i found mia in hotlands sleeping in lava no so long ago(don't. ask)
... *sigh* not surprised. She just was flying over the palace in her sleep. I managed to get her into bed though, so she should be fine now.
(MAN IDK I DON"T GET ENOUGH SLEEP MY MOM BE A ASS TO ME AND WON"T LET ME mann idk) so yea things been pretty odd for me
(i was bad shit tired at noon due to be too bored)
(me and ik my mom like "HELL.NAW STAY UP" and i was like "NUUUUUUUU LET ME FUCKING SLEEP DAMN IT")
Welp... I'd better get to bed too. Partially so she doesn't randomly leave in her sleep, and because I'm kinda tired too.
*tps to the bedroom and slips into bed* Heh... She's finally getting some sleep. *hugs her and falls asleep*
did u know i'm one of the best fortnite players in the world
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