'ere ya go kiddo. *puts a plate of eggs and bacon in front of him*
*Summons a clone and starts fighting it*
*goes back and takes the eggs out of the pot and slices the tops off* mmmm. *pulls out some egg cups and puts the eggs in them, and salts them, grabs a plate of bacon and toast, cut into strips, and sits down next to Alex*
Heh... It's good to see you happy kiddo. It really is...
Heh. *ruffles his hair* No problem kiddo.
(brb) *Continues to train, varying the moves he practices/tries to master*
*grins* So you wanna learn some spells?
Thought you'd like that idea. Heh heh. I might even be able to teach you one of my special spells...
(back) *Appears in front of Del, slicing his clone in half at a speed that makes it look like he didn't even touch his sword*
"What're you doing here?" *Readies for a fight*
*Del slices at Axis with immense speed*
*Easily dodges* "As I was saying...I'm not here to fight...but that can change quickly."
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23