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So just relax, and take it easy. The more frustrated you get, the less likely it is the spell will work.
*relaxes and does the spell*
THERE YA GO! YA DID IT! I'm proud of ya kiddo.
Now, you wanna try somethin a lil bit harder?
Ok. So you can make a fireball. Now, we try a WALL OF FIRE. *teaches him how* now try it. Remember. Relax.
*does it* woah
*Still unconscious. Aura fades*
!!! No way... on your first try... I- I can't believe it... Alright. Now try doing the same, but with ice. Same principle, just draw ice instead of fire.
*Trys and fails*
Heh. That's ok kiddo. You seem to be more fire-oriented anyways. Most people lean towards on specific magic type. You seem to be fire, so it's natural that you might struggle slightly with water and I've oriented magic.
guess who made their audio amplifier got broken wnd tried to fix it?
chat dead
(*Waits for others to join*)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23