Mia:*comes up out if the ground by flower *well that worked we hust he him to stop tping so i can keep him still so he can take the pills
Mia:nexus has gone mad crasy and well you should see for your self....
Mia:*turns into a shadow again but get shocked by green magic and trys not to yell*w-what the hell?!
Mia:*changea back and the green magic stops shocking her*d-damn it
*holds out a hand* I've got it. And I'm curious as to how you can do that. You couldn't before, and now you can. How are you able to copy that ability?
Mia:idk i think i can i just fond out i could do that*takes his hand*i think i can copy other people abilitys i think i dont know
... Well... That's gonna be fun. I'm gonna have to either do something is rather not, or you have to use that at max of 4 times a day.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23