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Flower does it to me in privet Chat

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Mia:hes driveing me crasy!!!*her hair turns red and so do her wings*
*puts a hand on her shoulder* Calm down love. Just leave him be if he's going to be like this. He'll feel it tomorrow when he hurts like hell.
*teleports back to the kingdom and runs around laughing*
Mia:*her hair lights on fire and so do her wings*
*starts teleporting again*
Mia, calm down!
Mia:*calms down*
(back) ... *turn* nope *walks away*
Just leave him. He's not worth getting frustrated over right now.
*runs past Jack and Mia*
*nvm* is he still hyper.?
Mia:yep and im about to break his neckπŸ˜ŒπŸ™πŸ˜ˆ
Mia... No.
just leave him alone if you leave him alone next day he might crash
*is wearing the same thing* *eye patch and a jacket* why was he pissing you off?
*sighs in relief*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23