*runs past Jack, Mia, and flower again only leaving Nexus as a blur*
(btw due to flower memory shortage this gonna play so she might not remember someone so if you see this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jla4N_2CiNQ that means she gonna ask or she gonna loose it so beware of that)
i'm not gonna get involved in this *take off eye patch showing corrupted beast teeth mark and fixing the eye patch*
Mia:grrr*flyss faster and keeps throwing fire balls at him*
Mia:*her wings hair and tail lights on fire and a big ass wall of fire is beind her*OH YOU LIL SHIT!*flys agter him again anf keep throwing fireballs*
(This is Nexuses mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn551Ymh-kM&t=97s)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23