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(XD SO TRUE) *gets up hoping it won't worsen*
(this was Probably Mia's mind
(YES) ffffucking hell that burns
*tps in front of Nexus and grabs him by his face* DO THAT AGAIN AND YOU WIN N O T LIKE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! *throws him to the ground and vanishes*
JESUS *tp to jack*
*keeps laughing then starts to run again*
alright new rule don't give nexus coffee
Qwen:*tps to jack*she calmed down now i also gave her a punishment you will like jack
His armor vanishes and he pulls a knife out of his arm* Damn... It wasn't strong enough to withstand it...
*noticed qwen with a eye patch* thx qwen
She didn't need a punishment. She just needed to calm down. Hell, if anyone needed a punishment, it was Nexus for being such an idiot... (Brb)
*shows up next to Jack and flips off Jack then runs again*
*punch jack* -_- 1 no for pissing off mia 2 if you keep it up anger well hit you like a fly trap
*feels the burn* GRRR FUCKING *grab the injured eye* *inhale* grrr
Qwen:*whispers in flowers ear and tell her what she did to mia*i put her in a maid outfit and she cant take it off for 3 days
......... ummmmm *let go of the injured eye* ... im not gonna ask.
*brown blood can be shown and so as red blood*
*and its flower blood maybe she forgot to change bandages and change jackets*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23