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Qwen:are you ok flower?

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?? why the question?
Qwen:bc your eye pach and jacket are bleeding
.. *look and noticed it* GOD DAMN IT BRB *tp home*
*went to the closet remove the jacket and its the same rib cage showing and flesh can be shown due to corruption creatures and the burns is burning flower* jesus christ glad thing qwen ,mia or jack did not see that *patch up the bites with healing bandages and grab a new clean jacket*
but glad qwen noticed the blood tho *after patching up put on a clean jacket with clean bandages* (*waits for someone to show up*)
jesus christ *remove the eye patch and a quarter of the eye come out and flower cleans the eye patch and put it back on*
Qwen:*is in flowers head:you do remember that I can read minds right?.....*
( but flower not saying it in her mind she talking to her self)
(Ya but she has to think it befor she says it)
(and besides it don't matter she already finished) welp jesus christ at least i don't have to stitched anything/exe:>_> flower why your hamper is filled with jackets and why are the bloody?/don't.ask/exe:... ooook
Qwen:*gos into the other room and talks with mia*
*keeps running around
*sighs heads out* *with a clean jacket and a clean eye patch*
*sigh* ... Guess the armor isn't as strong as I thought...
(wb) *runs passed Jack*
*tp back to jack* no i guess not
!!! Oh, hey Flower. *quickly shifts so she doesn't see the hole in his arm*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23