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Qwen:nope now sho i have a.meeting in a few minutes
come on jack
... *tps to Mia and tps them home* ...
Sits down hard on the bed, glaring angrily*
Mia:i fucking hate this!*shes still a lil pissed but this is a good time to get back at her for make jack a doll*
Well... I would say this is karma for turning me into a doll, but I could easily break out of that...
Mia:dont make me bite you jack
(This is great XD
Looks up still glaring* You think I'm happy about this either!? If we get into a fight in the next three days, that thing is likely to get you KILLED! * inches his fist through his nightstand*
(owie. :( )
(I was correcting the typo in what I did, Del. Autocorrect made punches turn into inches for some reason.)
*sighs* ..
(Either way this is great.
(still great*
*in flower mind:enjoy the deal we agree flower? =3*/real:GET OUT OF MY DAMN IT/*appears* sorry
Mia:*gos over to him and kisses him*calm down jacky ...

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23