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(yup) *Finally reaches his house*

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No one here has watched dont hug me I'm scared?)
(I have...:|)
(yes me) *sighs*
Any no one got my reference jeez I'm out)
*Kicks open his door, almost closing it behind him. (still left open a crack)* *Sits on the couch, holding a hand to his stomach in pain*
*sigh* ... I'm sorry I can't break the spell... I don't know how it was cast...
*Pulls out a small bit of the poison? with a Soul Barrier* "Heh...wish I knew how this worked..." *Writes a note and TPs both of them away*
(Did I kill chat?
*sighs* zzz
No, I'm waiting for Pap to respond)
*tps to jack*
Hey kiddo...
Mia:its fine and hi alex
Mia:is something wrong sweety? Why aren't you sleeping?

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23