Mia:*sits by alex*now what story do you want me to tell you?
Just get to the point already, Vanitas.
Hah. Alright. Fine then. If you insist... *whirls around and slashes at Jack*
Knew it. *parries the hit* This is getting old. You know we're even, just give it a rest.
Mia:hehe well we meet when we were still part human in the underground we were in a group together with two other people
Mia:after we met nexus and the 3 of us lived together
Mia:few days more we came here with you and then some how i turned your father into a wolf
Well then let's spice things up a little! *rushes Jack and swings, blasting out an arc of force, hitting him dead on*
(back from unsaid) *Grabs a small green vial labeled "antidote" and chugs it*
Gah! Heh... Impressive, I'll give you that. *aims his hand at him* But this is over. *a dragon skull appears next to him* Cya. *fires it*
*gets hit full on* Ahh! Ngh... *a dark corridor opens* you're lucky my objective isn't to fight you. *backs into it and it closes*
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