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he's evil what would you expect

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well hello there flower
🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😤🙏*says evry curse word she knows and in Every language she knows*)
(Im just gonna pretend i never saw that)
*stats HP 999999999 ATK 999999 DEF 999999*
whatever he possessed a random body that let him in
(Well, he does have a point with the evil part. Spoke villains use family as a mean to an end. They don't care about them, they are just tools to get what they want. So it kinda makes sense. Just throwing that out there.)
(oookay) *yaaaaaawn* hi
I'm out good luck with fighting
(Some, not spoke)
just need to ch3ck the core
heh heh heh
*fade away*
Mia:*she grips.her hand tight and her hair and eyes turns white red and black*....
*turns and sees Mia* Mia!? Are you ok!?
(back from unsaid)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23