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Mia:hm? Oh ya im fine*turns back to normal *(rv no go back to bed)
(RV, it's late. Go get some sleep.)
*was hiding*
(no its fine
*checking the core*
(I did that yesterday
Mia. I know you're lying. The colors don't lie. What. Is. Wrong?
I'm fully functional to do today..
( do me a favor and go to this video i posted and tell me if at 0:12 remind you of something XD )
but I'll only do it for a hour maybe abit more if it gets good :3
Mia:jack i am fine
(Hey everyone)
I'm confused..
(Im thinking of quitting rping permanently)
anyways *lolled to rp
Mia. Stop. Lying. Your hair was just red white and black, and you're eyes went black. Tell me.
(why?) *sighs*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23