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don't quit
[oh rv you're still arrive]
*sits at grillbys sweating abit looking concerned*
(Cause who even gives a half a shit about any of my ocs anymore)
*enters grillbys and not paying attention at anything*
(Even my somewhat good ones so fuck it)
(I just fuckin quit)
*sees flower by looks away from them looking upset at themself*
Mia:*her eyes and hair turns black and red *I SAID.IM FINE!!*released what she said and her hair and eyes and white*i-im sorry i didnt mean to yell at you...*turns into a shadow.and leave*
*did not noticed bates*
no response?
Mia! Wait! Del, would you mind taking Alex home please? I need to go after her.
*sees that dark stuff again and they freak out and fall out of there hair terrified and it disappears*
*melts into shadow*
(But from 12 to 8 ill be on to take pkmn battle challenge reqeusts)
"Will do."
*look at bates confused* ??

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23