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??? what the???
f-flower help me please!
jack and mia aren't there and neither is echo or flower
Pap:*trys to calm mia down but it just gets worse *
Im not after the
uh.. oh... this wire are shoted
I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you! p-please help me! *he crys a lot
*gets up and walks to bates *
this wire was shoted...
*the temmie looks at flower and it trys to attack her
*fixing the crontrol box of the core*
actually its better there not at the castle
*keeps drinking soda*
*uses sword and throws the temmie that try to attack*
And now that im ready
*finished fixing and fade to flower*
yo uh.. OH!
well I hate them

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23