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(Hey Pap, mind hopping on UC real quick? I wanna ask u somethin.)
*the black temmie splits in to two and multiples in to two and they both grin*
not a good timing and yes and !!
k-keep them away from me!
what are you going for then?
... *internally* what should I do... I can't stand to see her like this but her seeing me rn might make it worse...
*tps to flower*heya... bad timing?
*ready to attack the temmie with a sword of light* yup
those are not temmies there black magic temmies i us to make when Blackburn had my body under his control when he wanted them to come but he's gone...why are they here...G says beiste fine and stable..
*call on shadow chaos saber*
*Appears by Flower and Bates, just watching from the sidelines*
mhm gaster is training beiste to keep Blackburn controlled so he never harms anyone...
but...idk why this is happening..
why now while I'm feeling...!
*he frowns and snaps his fingers nd the temmies disapper
. . .no...
ok i've only had a brief encounter with him

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23