... Damn... I need to snap Mia out of this. N o w. *melts from then corner of the room* Mia? Hey cmere. *hugs her* Its fine love. I shouldn't have pressured you.
here let me try call paps again *try agian* maybe she be able to answer this time and maybe have the time to help
*grabs stabbing weapon and yeets it* D O N T T E S T M E
*it comes back to him*i'm not the reincarnation of a sithlord for nothing
"...if you promise my friends will not get hurt, by me OR by you and the others...then I guess..."
paps...can you come to grillbys...we got a issue..
Mia:*is still haveing a panic attack and shes shaking *
*tps to flower and bates*corrin and ultra are attacking!
Pap:*tps to grillbys with a sword and her hair is black and res*OK WHO HURT BATES?!
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