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so i can use my soul shattering bomb which may also kill me

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That's is love. Take it easy. I'm here for ya.
but it shatters anyone's soul no matter what
shit true
2 (if i had a true soul maybe
*tightly hugs her* Its going to be ok.
but it's worth it
"Glad to hear it." *Opens a portal behind him*
I should not really fight...
(Does no one remember the im a FUCKING void being)
*summons a bench with magic and sit on it* ill sit on the side lines coach!
if you don't wanna then you don't have to
Pap:they are still mad at you bates?...
nahhh i gotten over it paps
i'm not
no you didnt...don't lie flower..
was never really mad

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23