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*Mind:....I just hope they understand...*
Mia:*she turns normal and just puts her head on his shoulder *
This... world.... will... pay... for... what,.. they... did...
Now cmon... Love, we need you. ALEX NEEDS YOU.
let's go!*goes into throne room*
Sees alex*
Pap:not you guys....his emotions..
well i was forced due to memory lost but we should do something 1st *tp to the throne room*
*sighs in relief* Mia? I need to ask you something. And to do it. I need you to get Alex and bring him here. And then the pair of you need to STAY HERE. I'll go with to get him, but I need to stay behind, k?
*grabs corrin with magic*
! my emotions...
And we need to move fast.
*he crys abit* i rather not talk to them...
8breaks it8
hold it!
Ultra leave
*picks corrin up with the force*
*puts on his gloves* Its time for me to get serious.
no i have to finish this
you and ultra

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23