Pap:then fix them if you need help i will help you
(Jack, I'm not sure if you read the message I sent, but I kind of need you to, so...I'm gonna retype it...) *sigh* "They probably won't even notice I'm gone..." *Jack can see Del walk into a portal in the far distance, followed by Axis. The portal closes*
*slices corrin with 2 sword of light*
*hundreds of skulls materialize in a ring around them, and Jack tps to the top of one of the skills in the top row* (dude, I said something to that.)
Pap:!*grabs bates out of the way and puts him beind her and holds her sword*STAY BEIND ME!
(It was the last thing I said before you asked me the first time. I was yelling, asking Del where he was going.)
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