(i got 1 but she don't fight only making deals besides piss her off and she can go full blown insane)
well? you two gonna awnser me? prove your paps ik how to kill one so flat out tell me how to do it..
*grins* Fell for it hook, line and sinker* *roundhouse kicks him, and slams him into the grouns*
(I have 5 OCs and 3 are evil, 1 is good, and one is on unsure grounds)
I can use more than just magic and swords, PAL.
Pap:i just told youlight and try not to feel bad feelings or it gets stronger
*make real flower not remember that problem at grillbys and remove the memories again* sorry real but once deal made i make sure deals is sealed/real:wait wu- *memories of him:gone*/sorry *tp away*
(I kinda want to use what I picked for Jack's theme song)
Are you to weak to fight me huh what's your name corrin that's so fucking dumb no wonder your so weak!
-_- i feel like your the traitor but idk how to kill a aye spirit you would ushally tell me how to pap..
I guessed that so *unbeatable barrier spawns*and after this im killing your son for sure*bye8
now don't do that again. *vanish* *and tp back*
Are you to weak to fight me huh what's your name corrin that's so fucking dumb no wonder your so weak! ha!
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23