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Big mistake
*tp to jack* is alex okay??
fuck it..* stabs the fake pap who was not hugging e ever with a knife
*fade to flower*
gtg gn/
hey flpwer
*flower no loner corrupts now but is wearing a jacket and a eye patch* oh hi asriel
*no effect* also I cant die! Through any magic! Il only die once this body 3 days old
Mia:*hugs alex*/pap:OW BATES WTF?!
*is unconscious*
I have bad feeling about alex...
(Without warning kills jack,flower,and corrin *and drags cloak to place of no return)
is it because he's unconscious?
Mia:*holds alex.close.and tps somewhere else *
Aw that sucks now I cant use this oc )
wait what..

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23