shit we gotta find a way to get to mia and find a way to wake up alex if we got the time
...what am i becoming....please lock me up or something...*he passes out his arm bleeding a lot
... Damn it, didn't want to do this... Flower, Lily, watch my body. *summons a weird sword and stands himself with it, and his soul zips out, the sword falls out, but there isn't a mark on his body*
*The door opens, and he walks through the gateway* "So, a runt, huh? Why'd you bother to recruit him?!" *Rushes at Del*
I will keep here is one more my void
*eventually finds Mia using their connection to each other* (not the spell btw)
*just kinda hovers next to her without saying anything*
*Rushes at him too, vanishing before he gets hit, appearing above him. Then Del kicks him to the ground, chasing after him. He moves his arms into an X shape as he falls and rams them into his back, sending a shock wave that shakes the arena* "CROSS ARM DIVE!"
*1st rushes to bates and heal him grabbing bates and tp to his lab with bates in arms and put bates down on the bed patching bates up with bandages and 2nd tp back after finishes*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23