Mia:my famliy.....*she stops smileing and runs and hugs hin and crys more*
(Back to where I was.) *Turns around dramatically to face Massacre* "I've finished off your little gauntlet. Now, give me my rank." *Sheathes his sword. He is unscathed*
Hey, no crying. I just said I can't stand it... Heh... *hugs her tighter* Hey... It'll be ok.
Mia:*her hair and eyes turns blue and she stops crying*l-lets just eat...
Hey. Look at me. *kisses her* I'm always here for you. No matter what, I'll be there for you, ok? Remember that.
(me when i have to do online schooling)
Mia:heh*her ears and tail go down and she hides her wings and sita down and her hair and eyes are still vlue(

(also me when covid-19 still going on and school not back in session JESUS CHRIST WHEN ITS GONNA BE OVER)
*sits down next to her and leans on her slightly* Heh. I promise, I'll find something to cheer you up... I just know it.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23