remember when i hit your sword
that flame had a soul stealing paper bomb set to go off now
*flower eyes bleeds* AH GOD MY FFFFFFF *trying not to cuss*
*voidly voice*seeya buddy
Oh really now? You mean the thing that I ripped off and left on the floor when I picked it up?
*the chains grab it and crushes it to nothing* owowowow *getting up*
paper bombs still explode
Plus. *the blade melts* it was made from shadow.
*eyes bleeds* *but turn back to help jack*
And so? They aren't that powerful. And we are easy away from that thing now.
*does hand signs that make all the paper bombs explode except for Nexuses*
*paper bomb goes off dealing a solid 50 damage to me and jack*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23