*tps to the armory and pulls a blue and black version of his normal sword off a wall* Didn't want to ever use this, but just in case... *the sword vanishes*
Mia:no keep it*puts a spell on it*there it will give you 80000 hp at and df
(How many times have we fought Corrin again? It's getting tiring, so yeah, people will just try to make sure he actually DOES this time.)
okay *nvm* hope your right about this on come on we gotta head to corrin location/nightly:il contact corrupted jasmine/okay COME ON/nightly:on it *calls corrupted jasmine* (tbh i just stop arguing about it since well we not in uc anymore)
*tps away to get a restoration gem to regain the soul shatter back*
yo what up bro/nightly:BRING THE ARMY WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH THE ARMY!/.. on it *they hang up* *and jasmine does so*
*flower rushes to jack and corrin and jasmine bring the army to nightly location* jesus christ how many times corrin gonna kick our ass and kill one of us perfectly
I agree i mean how long is he gonna do this to us
(As many times as it takes for someone else to want to play this part or when the castle is obliterated for good (
*flower uses her chains of light to rebuild the kingdom*
(Dude, I said yesterday, we all have villain OCs while u weren't here, me and Morgan were playing the villains)
(and i have a villian oc but she just makes deals)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23