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Mia:lets just get this over with...
*the army came and so as corrupted jasmine*corrupted jasmine:I got the info
(He is not after you or anyone else hes trying to get you riled up so youll destroy this castle for him0
*a barrier surrounds the Palace* Heh heh heh... *melts from shadow and appears on the outside border of the barrier* Really Corrin? This is the best you got?
(HAH LIKE that's gonna happen.)
(Anyone else wanna play the bad guy today )
I'm down)
Mia:*gos chara mode but she blue and black and not red and black*
(I made a new villain oc to try out)
*noticed it*
(Turns into good corrin)
(I guess I'll use my villain oc too)
*rp reset activates reseting the rp*
(ima gonna create a new villian oc)
Mia:*is with nightly befor corrin attacked*
*is going to a walk*
(Brb being called to go eat.)
*is with mia before corrin attacked* *and jasmine is at her bedroom since well she now part of the .exe team now*
Mia:what do i do nightly....

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23