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How is my Shade form NOT demon like? I look like a shadow creature that crawled from the depths of hell it's self.

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Mia: There's a difference between a shadow O creature and the demon Babe
... Fair enough... *sigh*
!!! Wait a minute... My wings!
*wakes up panting*ok i'll avoid sleeping for now
*summons his wings* They could work. They ARE more like dragon wings, or DEMON wings.
*walks out of his house and around the kingdom*
Mia:i guess your right about that but i need to show you how to change back to normal
... Mia, I don't even know how to change INTO it, nevermind out.
hmm *went to explore the kingdom of the galaxy* ...
Mia:you didnt know?your already in your sun
Mia:half sun god form
Wait what?
Mia:thats why your yellow and white
*falls through a portal into flower*ahh!
Mia:*turns into her moon goddess form*here give me your hand

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23