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Mia:oh right i forgot about that....
Well, whenever you feel like it, just let me know. I have nothing better to do.
*went home* ...
*sighs* hmmm *tp to exe* .....
Mia:ok heh
*kisses her* So... What do ya wanna do?
(Hello Again. I finally back. :D)
Mia:anything is fine
(Not sure where I was at...gimme a sec
(Oh yeah, I literally just had Del turn to Massacre and proclaim victory before I had to leave
(like i say)
Mia:jack i was thinking tou..want to jave another kid?...
!!! W-what do you mean? *entire face goes tomato red*
(x3 oh shit x3)
*Whispers to someone near him, then looks to Del* "Very well." (OH MY GOSH!)
Mia:*her hair and eyes turns pink*n-never mind forget i said anything*tps somewhere else*
(XDDDD OH SH*T *laughs to god damn hard*)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23