*sighs* better lock the door just in case *gets up and locks the door* *and went and lay back down* ...
Mia:*moves on od her wings but still hides her face*
*is just laying down... not speaking*
(Sans, could you give it a fucking break? We have not a day in rp without something happening, we don't need things constantly trying to kill us.)
ok maybe not the right person to teleport to after yesterday... '>~>
*grabs her and tps home to the kitchen* ....
oh ik...*makes whooped apper and they jump on flower excited and happy like*
* listening to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PHpCywCcIA *
*whoopie lays on flower and curl up in to a ball to look like a fluffy snow off
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23