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*hears it again* >_>
What do you want?
still mad about yesterday?...
Mia:what the hell is going on...
ok well i'll leave but any of you know a jack or mia or exe?
look im sorry ok...*he frowns and looks away from Jack and looks at mia*nothing..
Mia:i juat told you im mia
*sigh* *let's go of Mia* No. I'm not Bates. I didn't give a shit.
wth is wrong with echo...
... *shadow appears behind jack*
*tps to echo and grabs them
Mia:*puts her scythe to the shadows neck*
hello???/????:*rushes through nightly kingdom*/??? am i tripping or something??
*it turn into asriel* kill... me...
Mia:asriel?! What the fuck?!
mia... kill me...
I'm bored...

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23